
Friday, April 2, 2010

The Elusive Purrr

The elusive purr
Albert and Sativa are two of the most amazing cats. They sometimes think they are dogs as they play fetch and play in the snow. They are affectionate and really can cheer you up after any situation. I am very glad that Jen is taking care of them, so they can still enjoy being two of the strangest cats as they harass Mike’s feet as he walks, as well as terrorize all of the neighborhood dogs.
When I moved in with my family a few months ago, I noticed they had one and a half cats. (One is always there, and one comes and goes.) The one who was is always home is different than any cat I have ever seem as it seems like it despises affection. If you put your hand hear her to pet her, she will hiss and run away.
Cats are in the unique position as they are the only household animal that is allowed in the house. This allows them to be very important to me at the dinner table. I have come to terms that I should eat meat, however, I still cannot get myself to eat the fatty pieces or eat the meat all the way to the bone. I have become an expert at sneaking pieces to the cat who sits right underneath my place at the table, and it took me about 2 months until I got caught by my brothers.
I have used this opportunity to try and try again to pet this cat, however she does not want any affection from me whatsoever. I sometimes get a short little pet, but it is hard to get that far. (I cannot imagine the trauma this cat might have gone though to act this way.)
About two weeks ago I succeeded to petting the cat and heard for the first time “Puuuuuuuuuuuuurrr”. It was amazing to hear. (Even though I still have trouble getting my fingers close to her.) my mission is to try to teach her her that she does not have to fear all humans while I am here.
Maybe another day I will catch her on a good day and hear this majestic sound again.
(On a side note…inside the life of this cat….She gave birth to kitten about 2 months ago. One died right away, and a second died as soon as they were big enough to walk and leave their room. When I came back from my trip to Apia last weekend the last one disappeared. I am not sure what happened to it. Maybe the fact that she keeps losing her kittens is a reason to be so upset all the time.

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