
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Around the island? Part II

I went home, filled up my many water bottles, and put them inside my saddlebag for my bike. I had a quick bite to eat, and off I went. I left around 12:30, a really silly time for anyone to do any exercising as it is the hottest point of the day. I learned quickly that carrying that extra weight also made riding more difficult. I was determined to make it though.
I was getting tired quickly from the heat. I was determined to push my body through it, as it was going to be a trip of a lifetime. I learned that I needed to stop for half a liter of water about every 30 minutes. I always made a point of stopping whenever there was people sitting in the shade off to the side of the road. This way I made many new friends along the way.
Whenever I used to talk to people in the past they would ask about the Peace Corps in groups previous. Our group is making a positive name for ourselves I learned quickly. Instead of asking about those previous Peace Corps, people were asking me about the wonderful girls in my group. They always had positive things to say about the others, then offered me a chance to rest for the rest of the day, and when I refused, wished me luck on my journey.
Another thing I came to realize is that all my help at the kolisi after school and involvement in church functions has given me a positive name as well. Throughout the whole ride I ran into many people who knew me by name. (Many offered me assistance in finding a pe’u (boyfriend) in their village so I could visit more often.)
About two hours into my ride I met with Dana. She was waiting for me at her family’s store. We chatted for awhile as we munched on delicious cookies then visited with her family. They let me fill us my 5 liters of water and I was off again.
A little over an hour later I heard a car so I moved off the road. When the car passed, I tried to get back on the road, but there was about a three inch gap separating the road from the gravel I was on. My bike struggled, on the rocks and I fell over.
I laid there for a minute. Trying to recoup. It was only a little fall. Only my right leg was hurting. Matt lived nearby, so I called and gave my location and asked if he could come with some of his first aid kit.

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