
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Science Fair

“Did you know that pilis (small clear lizards) can regenerate their tails?” I texted Cassie. We were discussing the cat vs pili fight and my observations. We went on to talk about the science fair, where her principal met up with her the night before to do the experiment the children will present.
“Wait a second,” she said. “That is an interesting experiment how are you doing it?” Cassie thought I was going to use the pili for my school’s science fair. We each had a quick laugh as we pictured a booth full of kids with machetes cutting tails off of lizards. The funny part was we could both see the possibility of it happening.
In some way the science fair is similar to the ones in America. The parents all want their kids to do their best, along with the teachers, so they are the ones to do the project instead of the students. The science fair is really only opened to the top students, and the others aren’t told about it.
My family made the simple machine which would be the project, showed my sister how to use it and then wrote up the scientific method for me to type. While we were doing the work she was practicing the script she would present to the judges.
The next day ,the actual day of the competition, we were all still working on her project. My sister and my mom went to the science fair, while the rest of us teachers went to school to teach.
After school I headed over to the kolisi since it was a day I usually volunteer there. On my bike ride there several students that were standing on the back of a pickup truck bed shouted to me, “We did it. Gagaemalae is number one!”
I also had several kolisi students from my village tell me that my sister placed first and I should be proud.
I made it to the kolisi and my family was still there, so I gave my sister a hug and told her congratulations. The people who were helping out with the fair were munching on the leftover food. They offered me some, and I said no as I was fed delicious food at school that day. I had a good time spending time with them, acting Samoan as I fanned their food with a breadfruit leaf.
The science fair will continue to the finals, and it goes by scoring. This means not every first place winner will make it. I hope my sister does make it since it will bring pride to our school and community.

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