
Friday, July 2, 2010

Cows and Independence Day

It’s 4:30 A.M. What am I doing? Waiting for the ferry of course. I wasn’t planning on leaving so early in the morning. In fact I was looking forward to attending school today as I had to collect things from my year 8 class. My dad was going to Apia, on the first boat, and I was asked to join him instead of going at a later time. How could I refuse?
Until this morning, I never understood the purpose of cows being tied up to trees, however I am convinced there is a cow gang on the west side of Savai’i. There are always too many cows out on the road at this time. What are they doing? My prediction is coming from a cow rave. Because these cows are still in their funny mood from their party, they don’t notice the cars that are coming by on the main road and cause accidents.
Cows, please start going to sleep at night so we can have a safe drive.
But as for me, I am off to Apia for the Independence Day celebration. It will be a lot of fun, especially because all of my non American friends know of this holiday. However, they do not know of it in terms of history books. They know of it from the movie Independence Day. Quite a few of them have asked me about the aliens and Will Smith. For any non American, or American that thinks this, this is not what the holiday is about. It never happened. It was a movie.
In closing words, Independence Day is about freedom from British rule, and cows please stay off the road.

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