
Friday, July 16, 2010


I love teaching. I love the students, the teachers and the atmosphere. My favorite classes have always been with those students about the ages of 9-12. They are the most interesting kids. They are sometimes cheeky, but always full of surprises and are funny.
There is always this one student every year that really pushes my buttons. This is the student I usually love the most as I spend so much time and energy with them.
During student teaching there was one boy who was a pro at the four day work week. I spent every day afterschool with him helping him with his studies and his life at school improved. He started doing homework, class work, and stopped being the class clown.
The first year of teaching, I had two students in my class that I still think about all the time. One of the students was a pathological liar which made every day interesting with him. The other student was well known throughout the school. Everyone was surprised that they would put him in a class with a new teacher as he caused trouble with all he encountered. The worst day was when I was threatened by him. It scared me because I knew this boy’s background. He had access to things that terrified me. Both boys were suspended at some point of the year, which made me feel horrible. I really hope those two boys are better and stronger today than they were back then.
My second year I had a student that was also trouble as he tried to be the class clown and one day he physically hurt me. It wasn’t bad, but it was still enough to cause pain. When that student came back from being suspended, he was better behaved, but always managed to keep me on my toes.
My third year I had a boy who always kept me on my toes. He acted out and never did his work.
They were always interesting, and I loved being around these kids.
This year one of my year 7 boys is the one that keeps me on my toes. He is cheeky as can be, but funny as anything. He is always interrupting my class which can be frustrated. I put him in time out many times throughout the week. One day he crossed the line, and another teacher saw. The boy was kicked out of school several times, and the other teachers had had enough. He was kicked out for the final time and was expelled.
I hope he finds his way, and finds a teacher he can connect with just like I hope for each other kid I have taught. It is going to be a different class without him as he brings a certain dynamic atmosphere to everywhere he is. I wish him the best in his new school.

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